Duluth Anchor Dedication Video
USS Duluth LPD-6 Ships's Anchor
USS Duluth LPD-6 Ships's Anchor
Historical Monument Dedication Ceremony
Historical Monument Dedication Ceremony
August 22, 2014
August 22, 2014
Thanks to shipmate Mark Bowman, GMG3 1978-81, we have this recording of the dedication ceremony for the USS Duluth LPD-6 Ship’s Anchor Historical Monument, which took place in Duluth, Minnesota on 22 August 2014. It was a dreary, cloudy, windy day, but at least it didn’t rain.
Thanks to shipmate Mark Bowman, GMG3 1978-81, we have this recording of the dedication ceremony for the USS Duluth LPD-6 Ship’s Anchor Historical Monument, which took place in Duluth, Minnesota on 22 August 2014. It was a dreary, cloudy, windy day, but at least it didn’t rain.
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The video begins with shipmates gathering at The Suites Hotel, waiting for the shuttle bus to transport them to the ceremony. It continues with people arriving at the monument, following the shuttle drop-off. As I’m sure that Mark was concerned about having enough memory for everything, he turned the camera off/on throughout the ceremony and unfortunately, missed the various introductions of speakers, etc.
The video begins with shipmates gathering at The Suites Hotel, waiting for the shuttle bus to transport them to the ceremony. It continues with people arriving at the monument, following the shuttle drop-off. As I’m sure that Mark was concerned about having enough memory for everything, he turned the camera off/on throughout the ceremony and unfortunately, missed the various introductions of speakers, etc.
Here is a list, in order of appearance:
Here is a list, in order of appearance:
The ceremony begins with the Navy Cadets Color Guard posting the colors, followed by the USO singers from NYC singing “God Bless America,” then a Navy Cadet singing the National Anthem. Ensuing speakers are:
The ceremony begins with the Navy Cadets Color Guard posting the colors, followed by the USO singers from NYC singing “God Bless America,” then a Navy Cadet singing the National Anthem. Ensuing speakers are:
John Werner – Board of Governors of St. Louis County Historical Society, Army Sergeant Major with 41 years of active service, and Project Manager for the monument construction.
John Werner – Board of Governors of St. Louis County Historical Society, Army Sergeant Major with 41 years of active service, and Project Manager for the monument construction.
Duluth Mayor Don Ness
Duluth Mayor Don Ness
Rear Admiral Duryea
Rear Admiral Duryea
Captain Paul Cruz – C.O. 1997-99
Captain Paul Cruz – C.O. 1997-99
Captain Laurence Grimes – C.O. 1976-78
Captain Laurence Grimes – C.O. 1976-78
U.S. Congressman Richard Nolan
U.S. Congressman Richard Nolan
Recognition of Mark Privratsky, Assistant to Congressman Nolan, who helped immensely with the project
Recognition of Mark Privratsky, Assistant to Congressman Nolan, who helped immensely with the project
The ceremony closes with a remembrance in honor of those USS Duluth shipmates who have, as I stated, gone on to sail eternal seas. During my time aboard the Duluth, I was present for the deaths of 27 men – John Pellerin, who was my friend, lost over the side one night in stormy seas and 26 Duluth embarked Marines who died when their CH-46, launched from the Duluth following breakfast in our mess hall, tragically tumbled end over end down a cliff. I know that we have recently lost some shipmates who died as a result of exposure to Agent Orange while aboard Duluth. Names & number of deceased USS Duluth shipmates is unknown.
The ceremony closes with a remembrance in honor of those USS Duluth shipmates who have, as I stated, gone on to sail eternal seas. During my time aboard the Duluth, I was present for the deaths of 27 men – John Pellerin, who was my friend, lost over the side one night in stormy seas and 26 Duluth embarked Marines who died when their CH-46, launched from the Duluth following breakfast in our mess hall, tragically tumbled end over end down a cliff. I know that we have recently lost some shipmates who died as a result of exposure to Agent Orange while aboard Duluth. Names & number of deceased USS Duluth shipmates is unknown.
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The “QR video” mentioned at the end of the ceremony can be viewed by visiting our website at www.ussduluth.org. All visitors to the monument can view the video by scanning the QR code with their smartphone or tablet.
The “QR video” mentioned at the end of the ceremony can be viewed by visiting our website at www.ussduluth.org. All visitors to the monument can view the video by scanning the QR code with their smartphone or tablet.
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Bonus Video! Mark found that he had a substantial amount of memory left after the ceremony, so he was able to capture another event that took place the evening of the dedication ceremony. We were invited to participate in a half hour LIVE TV broadcast that aired in prime time, at 8pm on the 22nd. The C.O.B. from the USS Minnesota was scheduled to participate, but when he failed to show up, the focus of the entire program shifted to USS Duluth. Only 3 of us were able to be in the interview, but Mark and some others were able to watch from behind the cameras, so Mark was able to capture footage of the interview from a different and interesting perspective. Because he was at some distance, the audio is low and you’ll have to turn up the volume to hear. The actual broadcast video can be viewed by going to our website www.ussduluth.org and clicking on the link provided.
Bonus Video! Mark found that he had a substantial amount of memory left after the ceremony, so he was able to capture another event that took place the evening of the dedication ceremony. We were invited to participate in a half hour LIVE TV broadcast that aired in prime time, at 8pm on the 22nd. The C.O.B. from the USS Minnesota was scheduled to participate, but when he failed to show up, the focus of the entire program shifted to USS Duluth. Only 3 of us were able to be in the interview, but Mark and some others were able to watch from behind the cameras, so Mark was able to capture footage of the interview from a different and interesting perspective. Because he was at some distance, the audio is low and you’ll have to turn up the volume to hear. The actual broadcast video can be viewed by going to our website www.ussduluth.org and clicking on the link provided.
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Many thanks to Mark Bowman for capturing this historical footage!
Many thanks to Mark Bowman for capturing this historical footage!
Don Rowe
Don Rowe
USS Duluth Crewmembers Association
USS Duluth Crewmembers Association